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Health Department Seeking Proposals to Conduct an Opioid Misuse Prevention Needs Assessment

LEONARDTOWN, MD (February 20, 2015) – The St. Mary’s County Health Department is seeking proposals to develop and conduct a local health needs assessment on the topic of opioid misuse for St. Mary’s County. The Behavioral Health Administration of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has awarded grant funding for fiscal year 2015 to implement the Opioid Misuse Prevention Program (OMPP) in St. Mary’s County. A portion of the OMPP funds will be used to support a strengthened community assessment on the issue of opioid misuse in St. that Mary’s County. SMCHD expects that this initiative will increase data-driven decision-making in community health improvement planning and advance implementation of local efforts to address opioid misuse in St. Mary’s County.
For more information about the Opioid Misuse Prevention Needs Assessment and request for proposals, please visit the health department’s website at
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