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Advancing Local Preparedness for Ebola Virus

LEONARDTOWN, MD (October 21, 2014) – At this time, there are no suspect cases of Ebola Virus Disease in St. Mary’s County. While the risk of acquiring Ebola in St. Mary’s County remains extremely low, the St. Mary’s County Health Department is monitoring the national situation and working closely with local and state partners to prepare for and respond to suspected cases should they arise.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated their guidance for infection control for health care workers caring for patients with Ebola. The guidance focuses on specific personal protective equipment (PPE) health care workers should use and offers detailed step by step instructions for how to put on and remove equipment safely.

Local partners are collaborating to deliver training on PPE for health care workers and first responders in St. Mary’s County. Community partners continue to conduct drills, educate their teams, and refine processes for detecting and responding to suspected cases of Ebola Virus Disease. Key partners are working to improve their own preparedness as information changes.

The health department’s website has been updated to include dedicated webpages to share information on Ebola preparedness with the public and with local health care providers. Included on the website are tools to assist local health care providers with screening suspect cases of Ebola. Please visit the health department’s website at for more information about Ebola Virus Disease and public health preparedness.

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